Portfolio Brokerage

Portfolio Design

For wealth enhancement, accumulation and preservation

Specialized investing knowledge can be beneficial to even the most educated professionals. Monthey Capital prides itself on providing that knowledge. The firm aims to provide clients with differentiated strategies that perform in all weather conditions with a focus on long-term capital appreciation. Every portfolio is designed to optimize the risk and return goals unique to each client and can include a wide range of products across all asset classes to best take advantage of current macroeconomic and financial conditions.


The advisor report can be viewed directly on the CIRO website at https://www.ciro.ca/office-investor/know-your-advisor-report. Simply type the name of the license holder and the report will be available for your review.

Investment Custodian

Monthey Capital Group is partnered with Worldsource Securities Inc., a division of Worldsource Wealth Management, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Desjardins Group. At any time, clients can log on to Worldsource's website to view their accounts directly, the same as a bank or investment account held with any financial institution. Client assets are held directly with Fidelity Clearing Canada ULC (FCC), an indirect, subsidiary of 483A Bay Street Holdings LP, which is a joint venture between FIL Limited and Fidelity Canada Investors LLC. This third-party custodian ensures that all transfers from other financial institutions go directly into each client's respective accounts and provides both security for the client and an effective platform to facilitate investments.

All securities products are provided through Worldsource Securities Inc. For more information, please visit www.worldsourcesecurities.com. WSI is a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (https://www.ciro.ca/) and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (www.cipf.ca).